Gaming PC Guides

By Tony Monzon, 6 February, 2024

Choosing the right GPU for your gaming computer is like picking the engine for your car; it's the powerhouse that drives the graphics of your games. I understand how this choice can make or break your gaming experience. The proper GPU will render your games beautifully and smoothly, ensuring that you get caught up in the magic of other worlds without a stutter. It's not just about the high frame rates; it's also about the dazzling effects and textures that bring games to life.

By Tony Monzon, 6 February, 2024

When it comes to building a gaming computer, RAM (Random Access Memory) is a critical component that often gets overshadowed by the flashier graphics cards and processors. However, I understand that RAM plays a pivotal role in your system's performance, especially during memory-intensive gaming sessions. Finding the perfect balance of RAM for your gaming rig is about more than just the size of memory; it's about the harmony between speed, quality, and compatibility with your motherboard.

By Tony Monzon, 6 February, 2024

If you're looking to build a gaming computer, one of the most important components you'll need to consider is the motherboard. The motherboard is essentially the backbone of your PC, connecting all of the other components together and allowing them to communicate with each other. But with so many different options on the market, it can be difficult to know where to start.

By Tony Monzon, 6 February, 2024

In the dynamic world of gaming computers, the CPU (Central Processing Unit) plays a central role, acting as the brain of the system. This gaming computer CPU guide aims to demystify the complexities surrounding gaming CPUs, providing beginners with essential information to make informed choices when building or upgrading their gaming rigs.

By Tony Monzon, 5 February, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of gaming, the pivotal role of software often takes a back seat to the glitzy allure of cutting-edge hardware. However, the heartbeat of a truly immersive gaming experience lies within the realm of gaming computer software. Far more than a mere complement to powerful graphics cards and processors, software serves as the unseen architect, shaping and optimizing the virtual worlds that gamers traverse. 

By Tony Monzon, 5 February, 2024

The world of gaming has evolved beyond just powerful graphics cards and processors. Peripherals and accessories play a crucial role in enhancing the overall gaming experience. From gaming monitors to specialized keyboards and mice, audio equipment, controllers, gaming furniture, streaming setups, and additional accessories – each component contributes to a gamer's immersion and success. This guide aims to provide a Gaming Computer Peripherals and Accessories Guide. helping gamers make informed choices to build the ultimate gaming setup.

By Tony Monzon, 4 February, 2024

In the ever-evolving world of gaming, selecting the right hardware is paramount to ensuring a seamless and immersive gaming experience. A well-optimized gaming rig not only enhances visual and audio quality but also contributes significantly to overall performance. 

This gaming computer hardware guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the key components that make up a gaming PC and guide users in making informed choices.


By Tony Monzon, 4 February, 2024

For beginners, the landscape of gaming computers can often seem overwhelming and too intricate, Therefore, the importance of a comprehensive gaming computer guide for novices cannot be overstated, as it serves as the compass navigating through the vast sea of technical jargon and complex choices.


This article aims to simplify the essentials, empowering beginners to make informed choices as they embark on their gaming journey. Here's a short overview of what will be covered.


1. Basics of Gaming Computers


By Tony Monzon, 31 January, 2024

I was on my way to Markarth when I heard about a quest from a man named Calcelmo. He wanted someone to kill Nimhe, a giant spider that was causing trouble in the Nchuand-Zel excavation site.

When I arrived at Understone Keep, I found Calcelmo and he immediately tasked me with the job.

Calcelmo explained that Nimhe had been causing trouble for the excavation team for weeks, and they needed someone to take care of it.